

1st - 2nd, November 2021
@ Tokyo International Forum+Online


November 1st (Mon) - 2nd (Tue)・The event will be held at the Tokyo International Forum as scheduled

登壇回数アイコン:ad:tech appearance count

Noguchi Ryuji kao Corporation
Ryuji Noguchi 7
Board of Director, CAIO, ZOZO NEXT
General Manager, ZOZO AI R&D Promotion Division

As a "humanities AI talent", Ryuji Noguchi has been promoting various AI projects, focusing on promoting AI business and making companies AI native. While at university, he participated in an IT venture from Kyoto and launched new businesses in the fields of recommendation, big data, AI, and global commerce as the director of the subsidiary. Later, he joined the ZOZO Group. He also provides AI training and AI advisors to major companies and startups as a side business. He is the author of several books, including "Becoming a humanities AI talent". He spoke at adtech Tokyo 2015/2016/2017/2018/2019/2020 and has been on the advisory board since 2018.



[DT7] Part 2 : How AI can Enrich Your Company